Welcome to the newly resurrected Lest We Forget.
Over the course of the next few months, the site will hopefully
be undergoing considerable growth, most notably in these areas:
Propaganda - addition of propaganda posters
and advertisements from numerous countries, and possibly propaganda
Art of World War II - artwork inspired
by the Second World War.
Images - pictures of Auschwitz-Birkenau
and the Normandy beaches as they appear today, and the addition
of more period photographs.
Airborne Infantry - I am working on adding
my senior thesis to the site, most likely in pdf format. It
is a 90 page paper entitled 'The Advent and Evolution of the
American Airborne Infantry," and follows the history of
airborne infantry through the Normandy landings.
Links - in the process of compiling
a new list. Link suggestions are welcome.
Search - a comprehensive search engine
that will allow searching of my entire site and its content.
I will be working my best to get these sections up
as soon as possible, but some of them will take quite some time.
In the meantime, check back often for updates.
Please visit the site information page for more complete