This site does not endorse nor accept Nazi, Neo-Nazi, racist, or other
intolerant views. The views reflected in the propaganda posters do not
neccesarily reflect the views of the site owner. They are presented
for educational purposes only.
All of the pictures located within this site are available for personal
or educational use.
If you wish to cite any of my essays, please feel free to do so with
proper citation. My papers have been plagarised in the past, but I can
do nothing to stop this. Please do not ask me to remove my essays because
one of your students has copied one--I just provide information, and
what foolish people do with it is not my concern. That being said, judging
by the number of times I have been contacted about plagarism, it apparently
isn't too difficult to nab people for copying my work.
Iif you are doing a research project on WW II, please do not ask me
for general information. If it is something obscure, I can understand,
and I will do my best to reply. But questions like "can you please
tell me what happened in the Pacific during 1942?" or "when
was Hitler born?" will most likely warrant an unpleasant reply
from me. Use the library, and do your own work. The internet an unreliable
source of information--use it only as a secondary source. Of course,
you can't trust everything you read in the library either, but it's
a lot more trustworthy.
I run this site in my free time as a hobby. I am enrolled in the Amazon
Associates program to help defray the costs of the site, so please use
the links provided on the Suggested Books page.