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We Forget: World War II |
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Jump to: August 23: Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact signed September 1: Germany invades Poland September 3: Britian and France declare war on Germany September 17: Soviet Union invades Poland September 27: Poland surrenders to Germany November 30: Soviets invade Finland
March 12: Finns sign peace with Soviets, with far-reaching concessions April 9: Germany invades Denmark and Norway, meeting resistance only from Norway May 10: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg May 14: Germany invades France May 28: Belgium Surrenders to Germany May 26 - June 4: Evacuation of British and French soldiers at Dunkirk June 10: Italy declares war on Britian and France June 14: Germans enter Paris June 22: France surrenders to Germany July 10: Beginning of the Battle of Britian July 23: Soviets take Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia August 25: First British air raid on Berlin December 15: British drive the Italian Army out of Egypt
March 11: Lend-Lease Bill passed, allowing Roosevelt to provide aid to Britian and other Allied nations March 28: British fleet dominates Italian Navy, gaining superiority in the Mediterranean March 30: Afrika Korps launches counteroffensive in North Africa April 6: Nazis invade Greece and Yugoslavia April 14: Rommel attacks Tobruk April 18: Yugoslav forces surrender, but guerilla resistance continues in force May 10: Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess parachutes into Scotland on a personal "peace mission". He is immediately put into a POW camp. May 24: British flagship Hood sunk by the German battleship Bismark May 27: Bismark sunk by British Navy, a Polish vessel is the first to engage her June 14: Roosevelt freezes all Axis assets in the US. June 22: Germany attacks the Soviet Union on a 1,000 mile front August 14: Atlantic Charter signed by Roosevelt and Churchill September 8: Germans encircle Leningrad, beginning a 900 day siege of the city September 19: Germans occupy Kiev November 18: Britsh begin desert offensive in Libya December 7: Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese December 8: US declares war on Japan December 11: Germany and Italy declare war on United States
June 21: Rommel captures Tobruk June 25: Eisenhower appointed commander of US forces in Europe July 1: Sevastopol falls to Germans August 19: British/Canadian commandos raid Dieppe, suffering heavy losses August 31: British defeat Afrika Korps at the Battle of Alam Halfa November 5: Rommel, beaten at Alamein, retreats to Tunisia November 13: British retake Tobruk November 19: Battle of Stalingrad marks beginning of Soviet counteroffensive
January 14 - January 24: Roosevelt and Churchill hold Casablanca Conference January 30: RAF makes first daylight raid on Berlin February 2: Germans surrender at Stalingrad May 12: Allies achieve victory in North Africa July 9: Allies invade Sicily July 25: Mussolini resigns as Italian premier, Badoglio is his replacement August 1: Ploesti oil fields bombed by USAAF August 17: Conquest of Sicily completed September 3: Allies invade Italian mainland September 8: Italians surrender to Allies. Germans carry on fight, putting up fierce resistance September 10: Germans capture Rome October 1: Allies capture Naples October 13: Italy declares war on Germany November 6: Soviets liberate Kiev November 28 - December 1: "Big Three" meet at Teheran December 24: Eisenhower appointed SCAEFE (Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force - Europe)
January 22: Allies land at Anzio behind German lines February 2: Soviets enter Estonia, Latvia March 20: Nazis invade Hungary to meet threat in Balkans May 9: Soviets liberate Sevastopol May 23: Allies begin offensive from the Anzio beachhead June 4: Allies take Rome June 6: Operation Overlord - Invasion of "Fortress Europe" - D-Day June 13: First operational use of the V-1 rocket by Germans against England June 27: Germans abandon Cherbourg July 11: Soviets enter Latvia and Lithuania July 18: British Second Army breaks German lines at Caen, France July 20: Attempt on Hitler's life results only in slight injury July 26: Americans break through German lines near St. Lo, France August 11: Germans abandon Florence, Allies close in August 15: Allies invade Southern France August 21: US troops close in on Paris August 23: Rumania surrenders to Soviets; joins Allies August 25: Paris liberated September 3: British liberate Brussels September 4: Finland and Russia sign armistice September 8: First German V-2 rockets land on London September 17: Allied airborne troops land deep inside the Netherlands, marking the beginning of Operation Market-Garden (which would become the last German victory of the war) October 3: After two months of fighting, the Warsaw Uprising is quelched, leaving over 90% of Warsaw in ruin November 7: Roosevelt elected to fourth term as President December 16: Ardennes Offensive (Battle of the Bulge) undertaken by Germans December 26: US forces at Bastogne relieved by Allied spearhead, effectively ending the Ardennes Offensive
January 17: Soviets capture Warsaw February 4 - February 11: "Big Three" meet at Yalta; plan occupation of Germany, etc. March 4: Finland declares war on Germany March 7: US First Army crosses the Rhine at Remagen April 12: Roosevelt dies, succeeded by Harry S Truman April 13: Vienna falls to the Red Army April 16: Soviets begin final push to Berlin April 25: "East Meets West" between US and Soviets at Torgau April 28: Mussolini killed April 30: Hitler commits suicide May 2: Berlin falls to Soviets May 7: Germany surrenders unconditionally to Allies May 8: V-E day celebrated by Allied nations June 5: Four Powers (US, Russia, Britain, France) assume supreme power in Germany June 26: UN established August 2: Pottsdam Accords signed and made public
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